Food Aseptic Tank

Food Aseptic Tank

Product Code: MACHEQ-F-M8701010

Categories: Stainless Steel Tanks

Tags: Food Aseptic Tank


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Food Aseptic Tank

Stainless steel tank with polished interior finish (Ra 1.0), and approved according to the China Standard. The tank cylinder is provided with an insulated (50 mm) cooling jacket, covered with stainless steel plate. The cooling jacket is designed for forced circulation of cooling water. Further, the tank is equipped with a bottom-mounted bolted-on manway.

Maximum working pressure = + 3 bar over-pressure
Minimum working pressure  = - 1 bar (full vacuum)
The product is passed from the aseptic tank to the filling machine by means of sterile filtered air.

Sat. Steam, 7 bar

540 kg/h

Steam barriers


Steam for condensate


Compressed ai

125 m3/h

Town water, 3 bar, ºC

10,000 l/h

Chilled water



» 7.5 kW