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Garage Engine De-Carbonizing Machine

Garage Engine De-Carbonizing Machine

Product Code: MACHEQ-G-M4961005

Categories: Garage General Service Equipments

Tags: Garage Engine De-Carbonizing Machine


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Garage Engine De-Carbonizing Machine

Hard core working switches given for maintenance free operation.
Quick release couplers (QRC) are given toward the part of the bargain to keep away from chemical spillage.
Machine will sounds up at the end of decarbonizing processs.
Sraightforward oil level indicators available on each tank.
Machine will stop pump in case of low chemical level for pump safety.
Appropriate for Diesel & Petrol Vehicle. Combine is optional.
Benefits :
Fuel saving up-to 15%
Restore power by 40%
Enhanced engine life
Pollution control up-to 50%
Smoother vibration free ride

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